Sunday, April 5, 2009

Boneheaded Ignorance

Perhaps most everyone has heard that 3 Pittsburgh Police Officers were gunned down in the line of duty--while responding to a domestic incident. One person commented on one of the Knoxville local news websites that (paraphrased)---until police officers understand that they are called to protect & serve rather than to punish & "enslave" people---more of them will be killed.

That comment enrages me so much that I marked it on the website as offensive. He has a right to his opinion & I don't deny him the right to express his opinion---but he has the responsibility like we all do to make it an informed opinion. Yes--there are some law enforcement officers who have committed acts of brutality & abused their authority---but the vast majority of them are hard- working dedicated professionals who are willing to put their lives on the line every single day. I wonder if this individual (not what I really want to call him of course)--had a loved one who was a police officer--if he would be so willing to express such an ignorant opinion.

I for one--have a brother who wears the uniform proudly & has done so for over 20 years. I pray God I don't get a call similar to the loved ones of these 3 families & countless others before them. I have the greatest degree of respect for police officers at all levels--because while I don't treasure the sight of their flashing lights in back of me--I do appreciate the work they do in protecting me. All of the encounters I have had with police officers--state troopers--etc... have been positive ones. I have been pulled over before while driving a car--& even once--while going for a walk. I have had to call them for various incidents--& in all of those encounters--these men & women have displayed a high level of professionalism. I appreciate the work they do.
Evidentally the person who wrote the comment on the news website hasn't had to call them for help or perhaps he has been on the wrong side of the law---or otherwise had a bad experience with them. I pray God---that no-one who has lost a loved one who wore the badge---will read the ignorant & downright offensive comment.
I pray that God gives this individual a more compassionate heart.
I pray for those brave men who died in Pittsburgh & others who have gone before them--& I pray that God may bring comfort to their grieving families.

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